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Granite Telecommunication specializes in handling multi-location clients across North America. Our contract-free approach on TDM services allows our partners to work in a phased approach by first consolidating their customers’ analog POTS and broadband services, then sitting down with the clients to determine their long term goals. Granite offers fiber, hosted Voice & PBX services, SIP, and wireless cellular voice & data through our own network or our many wholesale relationships. Of our 1,800+ employees, more than 400 employees are project managers, meaning your large accounts will be provided a single point of contact to manage their network projects.  At project completion, the accounts are transitioned to our “Premier Support Program” for personalized customer support unmatched in today’s telecom industry.


Utilizing Granite eases the burden of invoice management. With Granite, you can consolidate multiple vendors and invoices under a single national supplier that provides discounted service. This one-stop-shop platform allows you to focus on other business matters. 
One Company. One Bill. One Point of Contact.


Sweet Spots


  • Nationwide Leaser in POTS Consolidation
  • Flexible POTS agreements
  • Unparalled Support
  • Debt free, $1.35 Billion in revenue


SKU: 0011

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